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When Is Apex Legends Season 11 Coming? & New Legend: Ash & New Map

When Is Apex Legends Season 11 Coming? & New Legend: Ash & New Map
Apex Legends Season 11: Escape is on the way! Check out our article to learn about the new Legend Ash, the Tropics map, and the new Apex weapon, the C.A.R SMG.

Apex Legends Season 11: Escape is about to arrive. This season, new legend Ash , a new weapon and a new map await players. The developers said that Season 11 will be the most comprehensive and resounding season of the year. The previous season, Emergence had included the 18th Legend Seer, the World's Edge map, and the Rampage LMG weapon in the Apex arena. Let's take a look at what awaits the players in Season 11 Escape, with a short time before its debut .

When Is Apex Legends Season 11 Coming?

Apex Legends Season 11 will arrive on Tuesday, November 2nd . Unlike other seasons, the battle pass will last 13 weeks in this season.

New Legend: Ash

The developers add a new Legend to Apex every season . The new legend of Season 11: Escape was revealed as Ash by leaking sources, which EA confirmed these leaks.

Ash is a character from Titanfall 2 that we see a lot in Apex Legends videos. At the same time, he is the legendary voice of the arenas saying “ring is closing”.

New Legends Ash's Skill Kit:


  • Passive: Marked for Death

Ash can see all deathboxes on his map. Check the boxes to spot surviving enemies.

  • Tactical: Arc Snare

Launches a slowly advancing and electrically charged trap. The trap makes it harder for nearby enemies to move and deals damage.

  • Ultimate: Phase Breach

Allows you to open a one-sided portal.

Use her abilities and passive to take out enemies hiding behind cover and surprise the opposing team that is picking up their dead friends' items.

Apex's New Weapon: CAR SMG


We have good news for the players. The embodiment of firepower, the CAR SMG is coming to the game as the new Apex weapon . EA's explanations are as follows: “ This weapon is perfect for players who set their minds to be the last legend remaining. It is a highly firepowered and flexible weapon .”

Apex Legends New Map Rumors: Tropics


It has always been difficult to predict what Respawn will bring in new updates. But this time around, there are hints and leaks about the arrival of a new map.

The website of Season 11 includes the following words in English: A storm is brewing. No matter how beautiful it seems, every corner of the Outlands is a dangerous place. You'd be wise to remember that”.

The Turkish translation is as follows: “ The storm is approaching, no matter how beautiful it may seem, every corner of the Outlands harbors danger. You would be wise if you remember this. ” and next to it is a blurred image. We can't say for sure, but the leaks are that Apex's new map will be Tropics.

Firing Range (Polygon) Enhancements

There are also improvements to the firing range in Season 11. Let's say these improvements are inspired by the mobile version of Apex.

Third-person camera, unlimited ammunition, 1v1 mode, and difficulty adjustment features for bots will come to the range.

Legend Buffs and Debuffs

With Season 11, the legends in Apex are also getting balances. While the majority of players are now hoping for a boost to Watson, rebalancing will come to Crypto as well.

That's all we know about Apex Legends Season 11 . We will be here again in the future with the developments regarding the new season.

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