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When is LoL Fighting Game Project L Released?

When is LoL Fighting Game Project L Released?
When will Project L, which has been in development for a while, be released and how will the gameplay be? Here's what we know so far, including the champions roster, release date, gameplay footage, and more.

When will Project L, which has been in development for a while, be released and how will the gameplay be? Here's what we know so far, including  the champions roster, release date , gameplay footage, and more.

Project L is Riot Games' new fighting game set in the League of Legends universe. First introduced during the League 10 Anniversary celebrations in October 2019, the game has been in development ever since. Despite being very similar to Street Fighter in some respects, Project L will have more simplified gameplay mechanics. A comfortable experience awaits those familiar with League of Legends because, as you can imagine, the movements will mirror what is seen in moba.

Project L Release Date

There is currently no confirmation from Riot Games regarding Project L's release date . A previous leak suggested that the game would arrive in early 2021, but those plans were delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Saying that their goal is to create a super high-quality fighting game that can be played for years or even decades, the company said that this will take some time and they will not rush. Basic gameplay, controls, design, etc. He added that things like building a full champion roster, designing stages, adding menus and UI, building ranking systems and more are not yet ready.


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Which League of Legends Champions Will Be In Project L?

Riot will release around 15 characters for Project L at launch and will continue to add more in the series. Four of the original 15 characters were confirmed in the teaser trailer released at the 10th Anniversary event. Riot is expected to release around 40-50 characters throughout the series; Many more will be available, from League of Legends lore to the series in this brand new format. So there will be lots of different types of abilities, with lots of different styles.

Here is the complete list of League of Legends champions confirmed for Project L so far.

  • Ahri

  • Darius

  • ekko

  • Jinx

  • Katarina

Project L Trailers and Teasers

♦ League 10 Anniversary announcement

Project L was briefly announced in Riot's League of Legends 10th anniversary broadcast in October 2019. The game's director, Tom Cannon, briefly talked about his ambitions with a first look at the prototype game.

♦ RiotX Arcane latest trailer

The next time we saw Project L was two years later, during the RiotX Arcane event in November 2021. It has improved a lot since it was first shown, with Riot revealing some of the game's mechanics.

Project L Gameplay Mechanics

Project L looks like a 2.5D "assist-based" fighting game. The characters will be 3D models fighting on a horizontal 2D plane, close to Street Fighter 5. 2.5D games are actually 2D games with 3D graphics, but the game itself is based on a linear path.

“This is the right foundation for building a game that rewards strategic team building and instant decision making on top of strong combat fundamentals,” the developers said in the November 2021 update. The original prototypes have a standard 90 second match timer. In addition, the game tracks combinations that show how many hits are tied with an opponent.


Controls are extremely important in Project L, and Riot develops them with an "easy-to-learn-but-hard-to-master mindset." Another big focus for the team is netcode, because they want Project L to achieve the "absolute best" a fighting game can have.

Riot Games will release an announcement about Project L in the near future. This is all that is known about the game until then.

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TAGS: league of legends project l lol project l league of legends project l çıkış tarihi LoL Project L ne zaman çıkıyor LoL Project L ne zaman çıkacak LoL Project L oynanış LoL Project L çıkış tarihi LoL Project L şampiyonları LoL Project L şampiyonlar LoL Project L oynanış görüntüleri LoL Project L tanıtım LoL Project L tanıtım fragmanı LoL Project L fragmanlar LoL Project L nasıl oynanır LoL Project L sızıntılar LoL Project L şampiyon listesi LoL Project L Ahri LoL Project L Darius LoL Project L Ekko LoL Project L Jinx LoL Project L Katarina LoL Project L tanıtımlar LoL Project L Lore LoL Project L skinleri league of legends project l şampiyonlar League of Legends Project L şampiyonları League of Legends Project L ne zaman çıkıyor League of Legends Project L fragman League of Legends Project L tanıtım League of Legends Project L tanıtım fragmanı League of Legends Project L oynanış detayları League of Legends Project L hakkında League of Legends Project L haberleri League of Legends Project L 2022 League of Legends Project L Jinx League of Legends Project L Darius League of Legends Project L Katarina League of Legends Project L Ahri League of Legends Project L Ekko League of Legends Project L mekaniği LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L Ne Zaman Çıkıyor LoL Project L tanıtım LoL Project L tanıtım fragmanı LoL Project L fragmanlar LoL Project L nasıl oynanır LoL Project L sızıntılar LoL Project L şampiyon listesi LoL Project L Ahri LoL Project L Darius LoL Project L Ekko LoL Project L Jinx LoL Project L Katarina LoL Project L tanıtımlar LoL Project L Lore LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L Ne Zaman Çıkıyor? LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L şampiyonları LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L çıkış tarihi LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L sistem gereksinimleri LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L oynanış LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L oynanış fragmanı LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L fragmanı LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L tanıtım LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L tanıtım fragmanı LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L hakkında LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L haberleri LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L satın al LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L ne zaman LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L açıklama LoL Dövüş Oyunu Project L tanıtım videosu

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