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9 LoL Tips You Missed in Song of Nunu

9 LoL Tips You Missed in Song of Nunu
Nunu and Willump have their share of crazy adventures, especially in Song of Nunu.

Nunu and Willump have their share of crazy adventures, especially in Song of Nunu . However, this duo is known for their prowess in Summoner's Rift. The impact of the game that Nunu and Willump came from stands out in many ways on the duo's journey. 

League of Legends fans with a keen eye can spot tons of nods and shouts in Song of Nunu. However, here are some Easter eggs that players may have missed while adventuring as Nunu and Willump in Frejlord.

 Song of Nunu: 9 League Of Legends Easter Eggs You've Missed

9) Jungle Creeps


Jungle creeps are a major enemy in League of Legends. These monsters are usually found in the forest region of Summoner's Rift, and players like Nunu and Willump will often encounter these monsters when playing as the Jungler.

In Song of Nunu, there are two different types of forest creatures: Dark Wolves and Krugs. These monsters frequently clash with characters like Nunu and Willump during battles in the Rift. However, in this game, the Dark Wolves appear to be corrupted versions of their League of Legends counterparts; Ancient Krugs, on the other hand, are quite docile, often used as the duo's (sentient and rather large) means of travel in some areas.

8) True Ice and Dark Ice


There are two important concepts in the Freljord story of League of Legends, called True Ice and Dark Ice. True Ice is a type of firm ice that does not melt, imbued with Anivia's magic. This special ice can only be controlled by a select few, the Iceborn, and thanks to this ability, they can produce powerful weapons. Champions such as Ashe, Olaf, Braum, Sejuani, Trundle, and Lissandra are among the Iceborn who can manipulate True Ice.

On the other hand, Dark Ice is a corrupted version of True Ice. Lissandra has great power, especially over Black Ice. The Song of Nunu game further explores why Lissandra uses this power for evil purposes.

7) The Void


Runeterra has many lore-filled regions waiting to be discovered. But by far the most intriguing and dangerous area is known as the Void. This place appeared at the birth of the universe and is unknown to many and is considered a place of nothingness, whose inhabitants have a greedy desire to destroy Runeterra.

The Void is known as a region where unspeakable fears and horrors await you. Those affected by the immense power of this field constantly encounter unreal images. For example, Lissandra is influenced by these images of the Void and determinedly tries to prevent the Void from attacking the Freljord to serve her own purposes.

6) Ornn’s Masterworks


Ornn is the demigod known as the "Fire Under the Mountain" and has a great reputation for forging and crafting. Summoners turn to Ornn for a variety of weapons and tools used in Summoner's Rift, ARAM, and other game modes of League of Legends. During their adventures in the game "Song of Nunu", Nunu and Willump come across Ornn's Forge and ask for his help in making a cauldron.

Different weapons and armor are placed on the shelves as players explore the demigod's forge. Some of the legendary weapons found on these shelves are just a few of the weapons League of Legends players can purchase for their champions. These weapons include items such as the Iceborn Gauntlet, Immortal Shield Bow, Shattered Queen's Crown, Everfrost, Trinity Force, Mountain's Bulwark, and Doran's Shield.

5) Nunu and Willump's Abilities


Nunu and Willump, while not outwardly formidable, are a very effective champion duo when it comes to combat. In League of Legends, they have ice magic and Yeti abilities, making them a force that can deal with opponents. His ultimates, Snowball Barrage, Biggest Snowball Ever, Consume, and Absolute Zero, can be quite lethal when used at the right time during teamfights.

In Song of Nunu, players can use these icy abilities at different power levels. Nunu still has the ability to throw snowballs and often uses this for useful purposes such as neutralizing certain enemies or solving puzzles. Likewise, it also functions as a version of The Greatest Snowball Ever. Willump's Consume ability is usually used as a finishing move, while Absolute Zero is Willump's most powerful attack that can only be used at critical moments of the game.

4) Poro-Snax and Poro Biscuits


Poro are cute white furry creatures that adorn various parts of the Freljord. These feather balls are symbols of truth, courage and innocence. They often live in a cold and cruel region, but they symbolize moments of warmth and love. In League of Legends, they are most fond of snacks called Poro-Snax and are fed by players playing the ARAM mode. When a Poro eats a Poro-Snax, it grows in size, and if you overfeed them, a whole Poro can turn into many tiny Poros.

This wonderful snack is also included in the Song of Nunu game, but it has a different name: Poro Biscuit. While exploring different areas, Nunu and Willump may occasionally encounter a lone Poro. If they interact with this Poro, Nunu offers it a Poro Biscuit and the Poro happily eats the biscuit. The game reveals that the original creator of this delicious biscuit was Willump the Yeti, who else could it be?

3) Freljord’s Tumultuous History


Among the historical narratives of the Freljord, one of the most fascinating stories is the story of the Three Sisters. This story is based on the history of three sisters named Lissandra, Avarosa and Serlyda. These brothers, who once ruled the ancient Freljord, were betrayed by their sister Lissandra in an attempt to oppose the Void's takeover of Runeterra. In the play Song of Nunu, this past is explored in more detail during Lissandra's scenes and Nunu and Willump's interactions. This makes Nunu question how big a sacrifice he is willing to make to save millions of lives.

In League of Legends, the Three Sisters are represented through the champions Ashe, Sejuani, and Lissandra. Both Ashe and Sejuani are considered reincarnations of Avarosa and Serlyda respectively, meaning they must band together to overthrow their long-lived sister Lissandra, even if it means reuniting the Freljord.

2) The Howling Abyss


Many League of Legends players know that playing in Solo Queue or Flex can lead to many heartbreaking losses and the beginning of a losing streak. To combat this, players tend to blow off some steam by playing ARAM mode: 5v5 combat on a single-lane map. The name of the map is Howling Chasm, and many players have fought countless battles on this bridge of murder.

In Song of Nunu, this iconic location is featured as part of Lissandra's lair. It is filled with various debris and hiding areas, similar to the League of Legends version. Nunu braves one of these bridges to save Willump from the clutches of the evil Ice Witch.

1) Poppy’s In-Game Joke


It is common knowledge in League of Legends that champions make various sarcastic remarks or jokes during battle. In Poppy's old design, she had no sarcasm to joke about, as the character had a tough and stoic build. But during a game update, the developers added a fun, long-lasting joke to Poppy: Poppy stops awkwardly near a crucial moment at the end of the game and expresses her wish to start again.

Similarly, Nunu tells jokes at the end of the play and asks Willump if he wants to hear jokes. Nunu begins his long-running joke with the words: 'A Yeti walks into an inn and enters the bar.' However, Nunu cannot make the joke completely and misses the crucial point.

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