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When Will LoL Season 11 End?

When Will LoL Season 11 End?
League of Legends recently went through major item changes with season 11. One of the most frequently asked questions recently has been the question of when LoL season 11 will end. Details are in the article.
Riot Games has already started its end-of-season planning for League of Legends . League of LegendsEach season of . Depending on the rank you achieve at the end of the season, the rewards you will receive may vary. In other words, the rewards you receive when you complete a season in Gold rank will not be the same as the rewards you receive in Diamond rank . That's why you should keep your ranking high and ensure good rewards. It is quite high that you see innovations such as many events, new champions, game modes in each new season. So, when does the season end and what happens when it does?


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When Does League of Legends Season 11 End?

Season 11 for League of Legends started on January 8, with many innovations and radical changes to the items. Every player must keep up with the changes made with the start of the new season and struggle to complete the season in the best way possible. The issue that has been discussed recently on social media and community pages is when the 11th season will end. Although Riot Games has not shared an exact date yet, it is possible to make very precise estimates on this subject.

lol when does season 11 end season 11 end date
Season 11 of League of Legends is uncertain, but will most likely conclude in November. Of course, the information is not certain, but we can easily make this prediction when we take other seasons as an example. When we examine the other seasons, you can see that the seasons end in the 2nd week of November. Based on this, we can state that the end date of the 11th season will end sometime between November 7 and November 14 . More information will be shared again when confirmed from official sources.

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