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When Will the Icebox Map Return to Valorant?

When Will the Icebox Map Return to Valorant?
As Valorant approaches Episode 7, many fans are wondering when they will bring back the Icebox map.

Valorant fans are delighted that Riot Games is returning the Bind map to the game pool with Chapter 6 Part 3. Bind was removed from the pool as one of the fan-favorite maps in Episode 6 Part 1, and was replaced by the revamped Split and the new Valorant map Lotus. However, when the Bind map came back, we had to say goodbye to the Icebox map . While Part 3 brought many changes to the game, removing the Icebox was part of Riot's major plan, as fans have repeatedly complained about the map's unstable structure and missing dynamics.

As Valorant approaches Episode 7, many fans are wondering when they will bring back the Icebox map. Although Icebox is one of the most disliked maps among players, it is still considered a reasonable choice for esports and matchmaking matches.


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When Will Icebox Return to the Valorant Map Repository?

Recently, Valorant fans have encountered leaks about the Icebox redesign on Reddit and Twitter. It's a welcome development for readers to learn that these leaks are key changes Riot is working on. However, they may have to wait a little longer for Icebox to return .

Bind was temporarily removed along with Breeze in Episode 6 Part 1. But Riot added Bind back in Chapter 6 Part 3 and updated the map with significant changes that improve its overall quality. Therefore, fans are hoping that Icebox may return with a similar update.

Probably all Riot needs to overhaul Icebox is to make a few fundamental changes. In Valorant Chapter 7 Part 2, it is speculated that Icebox may be returning to the map pool.


The leaked images show three variations of Icebox: Site A, Site Mid, and Site B. Riot Games hasn't officially confirmed these yet, but it's believed that developers will be working further on these changes before the official announcement. For now, fans can only speculate about updates to Icebox.


Riot has always maintained a pool of 7 maps for the Valorant competitive rank. This allows for more map rotations as well as old refreshes, while developers introduce new maps each season.

To date, the Bind and Split redesigns have been considered successful by the community, as they have successfully changed the dynamics of the maps. However, Icebox may require more than a few changes. Many professional players and creators have expressed their opinions about the map in a negative way before. In Valorant's current state, Icebox is one of the least preferred maps.

Until Icebox returns with all the speculated changes, fans can enjoy Split, Bind, Lotus, Pearl, Haven, Ascent and Fracture on the current map pool.

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