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When Will Valorant Agent Ban System Coming?

When Will Valorant Agent Ban System Coming?
One of the most curious issues by the players and the audience fans of the game is the agent ban system. When this system will be brought to Valorant is one of the most curious subjects. Details are in the article.

Agent bans are the most discussed topic for Valorant lately , and an official announcement is eagerly awaited . Not yet an agent ban system in Valorantand players are very curious about when this system will be brought to the game. Besides standard gameplay and competitive matches, this agent ban system is most anticipated in professional level matches. If it is brought in, it is certain that we will see the most impact in professional level matches. A total of five agents have been included in the game since the game was released, and there are 15 agents in total. No official statement has been made about agent bans yet, but some developers are able to answer these questions on their social media and community pages.


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Valorant Agent Ban System Information

The issue of agent ban has been one of the topics that has been on the agenda recently, and Valorant developers made a statement on the subject. Although the statement was not provided through official means, the developers made relevant statements on social media and community pages. Of course, the answers given are not certain, but it can be easily said that " Agent Ban System " is among the innovations that can be brought into the game. On a community page discussing the agent ban system, the developers answered questions from Valorant fans;

Once Valorant reaches a certain agent limit, the agent ban system can be included in the game, but we may have to wait for a while for this system to be included in the game. Agent ban system is among our targets but not possible in the near future.

It is not the first time that the agenda of introducing an agent ban system to Valorant has emerged, and a developer had previously responded on the subject on social media and community pages. He stated that the current agent list is not sufficient and that they may consider this system when more agents are added to the game in the future. Then, he clarified the subject by mentioning some important details in his article. In the statement, the developer mentioned the following;

The introduction of the Valorant agent ban system is of course possible after reaching a certain agent limit, but we think that just having enough agents will not be a sufficient factor in this regard. In order for this system to be included in the game, the extent of its contribution to the game and its positive or negative aspects should be weighed thoroughly.

Similar question marks arise in our minds about all these discussion topics and the answers given by the developers. For example; A player's mastery of a particular agent and continued playing with that agent may negatively affect their game when that agent is banned. Likewise, it can have a significant impact on game strategies in professional level matches.

In addition, although the 30 agent limit specified by the developers is an example, we think that this is a valid limit and will not be enough. There may be an agent limit that can be considered appropriate for casual or competitive play, but in professional level matches, important factors such as banning certain agents and the ban offered will have a huge impact on matches. This situation can both negatively affect professional teams and reduce the pleasure of watching professional-level match broadcasts. It is still early for us to discuss these, but it is very difficult to come up with an idea about the meta changes that may occur if such a development is achieved in the future.

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