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Why XCOM: Chimera Squad Changed the Formula of the Series

Why XCOM: Chimera Squad Changed the Formula of the Series
The answers given by the developer team, the details are in the article.
XCOM: Chimera Squad is now available after several tweaks over the past few weeks! This experimental, budget-friendly XCOM game features some big changes to the series' standard formula, including a preset team and a deviation from the usual permadeath element. It seems clear that Firaxis wants to broaden the definition of an XCOM game. Many questions were asked to the developer team about the game and we hope that the answers to the questions sent to the team will satisfy you.

What was the origin of the Chimera Squad idea? How long has it been in development?

"As game developers, we're always interested in ways we can change or iterate the way a game is structured and played. After releasing XCOM 2 and the War of the Chosen expansion, we felt there were still unexplored opportunities in the XCOM system. XCOM: Chimera Squad , XCOM 2and gives you a chance to revisit some of the core ideas of XCOM without having to rebalance War of the Chosen. This means we can try out ideas like Interleaved Turns and the Breach mode and use agents as characters instead of traditional XCOM soldiers and classes. After War of the Chosen, I started Chimera Squad design work. "

Why did the game debut as a budget game? Was it because of wanting to go the more experimental route?

“The price reflects two things, as an independent firm, we are neither under influence nor aspirational to expand. For our fans, the price point and the short time to release are something seasoned XCOM fans will get their hands on sooner and new fans of the series will want to check out. "

This is a very different XCOM game; Trying to make you think about what XCOM means or attract new fans?

“Yes! We think XCOM can contribute to a variety of playstyles. As I said before, as developers we always want to try something new and see what our players think.The changes in . If you're new to the XCOM universe, chances are you've seen a small slice of it. If this game appeals to you, wouldn't you want to go back and see how we got here? "

Was Chimera Squad designed as a standalone game? Could we see DLC or expansion?

Yes, the specific vision we had for XCOM: Chimera Squad meant it made more sense as a standalone title as opposed to a direct sequel to DLC or XCOM: Chimera Squad . We don't have any expansion plans for

XCOM: Chimera Squad now!

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