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World of Warcraft 9.1 Patch Notes Released

World of Warcraft 9.1 Patch Notes Released
World of Warcraft 9.1 patch released. Shadowlands' first comprehensive content patch, Chains of Domination, offers players the opportunity for large group events with new regions and raid areas. Moreover, with this patch, they aim to improve the PVP game style.

After a waiting period of about 7 months, the WoW 9.1 patch was finally released. Chains of Domination , Shadowlands ' first comprehensive content update , follows the pattern of its predecessors. Along with class updates, this patch also includes a new world zone, an 8-boss mega-dungeon, a 10-boss raid, and flying mechanics.

New District: Korthia, City of Secrets

In the new update, Korthia is more of a daily quest hub designed as an extension of The Maw, rather than an entirely new region. With the missions here, players will be able to have more information about the origin stories of Shadowlands . Moreover, they will be able to gain success when they seek and find historical artifacts scattered all over Korthia.


The warriors will unite and face him under one banner as the Jai, ruler of The Maw, seek to unearth the long-lost lands of Korthia and use it as a tool for their own plans.

WoW 9.1 Patch: Group Events

♦ Raid: Sanctum of Domination


The update includes a new 10-boss raid area between Torghast's labyrinths. This is a place where players will encounter some old foes like Kel'Thuzad and Tarragrue and end with a battle against Sylvanas Windrunner, who was the real reason they were in the Shadowlands.

♦ New Mega-Dungeon: Tazavesh, The Veiled Market

Another large group event included in the WoW 9.1 patch notes is Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. This market place where merchants roam is actually an 8-boss mega-dungeon. When Mythic difficulty level is selected at the beginning, you will encounter bosses such as Infinite Pirate Dragon. Heist-themed dungeons completed here have rewards like a mount and a few cute pets. To enter Tazavesh, players must first complete a short quest in the Idyllia section of Oribos.


♦ Mythic+ Dungeons

For players playing Mythic+ dungeons, Season 2 will begin with this update. However, players will be able to track their personal rank and progress in dungeons in the Group Finder (I) UI.


PVP Updates

PVP (player versus player) for players who prefer to fight with other players instead of fighting villains in the story will gain some new features in Season 2, which will start with the arrival of this patch. Additionally, Blizzard will make changes to strengthen PVP mechanics.

Flying Mechanics

With the WoW 9.1 patch , players will gain access to the original 4 Shadowlands as they evolve through the campaign. Rather than a feature loaded directly, it will appear in the form of a mechanic that players earn after completing the third part of the story.

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