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World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Mastery Coming!

World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Mastery Coming!
Let's see when the new season of the legendary World of Warcraft, WoW Classic: Season of Mastery, will be released, what it will include, and what changes WoW Classic will undergo.

Making a statement recently , the producer company Blizzard announced that they will bring a season to give World of Warcraft players a fresh start. We also learned that the game, which will be released under the name of Season of Mastery , will have differences from WoW and when its open beta will be released. WoW, which has been a favorite of players for years, will offer new players the opportunity to experience this legend from the beginning with Classic. On September 30, 2021, we will share information about the contents of the new next season with you in this article. If you're ready, let's take a look at what WoW Classic: Season of Mastery will bring.

With the arrival of the Season of Mastery , areas called " Realm " will come to WoW Classic . These areas will involve players in the opportunity to experience the World of Warcraft saga from scratch.

When is WoW Classic: Season of Mastery Coming?

WoW Classic: Season of Mastery will invite players to the open beta on October 5, 2021 . We do not yet know when they will offer the legendary Warcraft experience to players as a full version. The producer also stated that they want to shape the game by getting feedback from the players in the open beta.

What's New in WoW Classic Season of Mastery

With the release of Season of Mastery, it will have 6 content stages. However, stages will come into the game faster than usual. It is planned and considered that the arrival and playing of all stages will coincide with a period of 12 months. Here are the stages and contents that will come to the game, respectively.

Stages of WoW Classic;

Tier 1 (To Be Played On Release Date)

  • Molten Core
  • Onyxia
  • maraudon
  • PvP Honor System and Battlegrounds

Stage 2

  • Dire Maul
  • azuregos
  • Kazakh

Stage 3

  • Blackwing Lair
  • Darkmoon Flaire
  • Darkmoon Item Drop Start

Stage 4

  • Zul'Grup
  • Green Dragons

Stage 5

  • Ahn'Qiraj War Campaign Beginning
  • The Beginning of Ahn'Qiraj Raids with the War Campaign

Stage 6

  • Naxxramas
  • Scourge Invasion

We learned the content of the new season of WoW Classic, Season of Mastery . Blizzard also announced the gameplay changes it will make this season.


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What Will Change in the Season of Mastery Process

One of the first changes includes Raid Boss battles, one of the most important content of the game. Let's take a look at what changes have come to this fun, where players band together and fight back to back for prizes.

♦ Raid Boss Changes

It is intended to make players feel the original World of Warcraft difficulty again. The bosses in the game will be strong and quite challenging as in the 1.12 update. Since it is a production that players have been playing for years, some changes have been made in this regard.

  • World buffs like Rallying Cry will be disabled in boss raids.
  • Health regen will be disabled when fighting some early level bosses.
  • Boss Debuff limit removed. (There may be more than 16 debuffs)
  • Bosses' health will be increased to compensate for player buffs and debuffs being removed.

It was stated that the reason for these changes was to create a more challenging gameplay than WoW Classic released in 2019. It was said that some gameplay changes will also be made due to the rapid arrival of the stages. Here are the specific features that will change in the game with the arrival of WoW Classic ;

♦ Level Up Speed ​​Increases!

Unlike the first WoW Classic, this time there is a change that will increase the gain of experience points. In addition to focusing on experience points gained from missions, it has been announced that the experience gain rate will be close to 1-60 XP, that is, Burning Crusade Classic™ .

♦ Changes to Improve Gameplay Quality

In addition to the final and other differences in the list, there are also minor changes to increase the experience of the players. These;

  • Meeting Stones will now be replaced by Summoning Stones.
  • The number of resources from mining and gathering will increase.

It is expected that the new upcoming realms will be more crowded compared to the original design from 2005. Let's also say that resource gathering places will increase.

That's all we have to say for World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Mastery . We talked about the game's release date and the changes it will bring together. Stay tuned for further developments of the game, which we think will give the taste of nostalgia in accordance with today's conditions!

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