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WoW Classic Horde Races: Check Out Before You Play!

WoW Classic Horde Races: Check Out Before You Play!
Compared to Modern WoW, race selection in Classic WoW can affect gameplay experience, damage to players, and some other factors much more. In this news, we have organized the breed guide for the Horde for you.

In Classic WoW compared to Modern WoW , the choice of race can affect the gameplay experience, damage done by players, and some other factors. When we come to the Classic, you may realize that the choice of race is much more important. There are less race and class combinations, and each race's abilities are more diverse and powerful. As time went on, Blizzard lowered the power of some races and added new races, arranging most classes according to their benefits and damage. When we come to WoW Classic , we can conclude that the differences between races and classes are more pronounced, so your choices affect more.

WoW Classic Races: Horde

♦ Orcs


Orcs can choose the hunter, rogue, shaman, warlock and warrior classes. Ax Specialization features increase orcs' two-handed ax use by 5, while their Blood Fury cooldown prevents the player from casting healing-reducing spells when active. The Command attribute increases the damage dealt by warlocks and hunters' pets by 5%, and Hardiness provides 25% resistance to stun.

Among WoW Classic players, the Blood Fury cooldown makes orcs widely preferred for close range combat. However, there is also Hardiness that works in PvP games. For those who want to play Warrior, orcs are a good option due to the combination of Blood Fury and ax. Command likewise makes orcs popular for those who want to play hunter because of their pet advantage. So what.

♦ Tauren


Half-human, half-bull-shaped Tauren, resembling the Minotaur in Greek mythology, can be druids, hunters, shamans and warriors. They are the only race in the Horde that can choose the druid. Her racial traits in WoW Classic include +15 herbalism, which effectively saves time when herbalism might fail. Apart from these, it has 5% increased health, +10 resistance to nature, and a powerful area-effective stun feature called War Stomp, which is good for tank players. We can say that the features we have mentioned make the tauren a powerful warrior tank.

♦ Troll


In WoW Classic , trolls can become hunter, mage, priest, rogue, shaman and warrior. This makes them the most versatile breed in race/class selection. His racial traits include 5% extra damage in fights against monsters and 5 extra abilities in arrows and thrown weapons. There's also Regeneration, which increases healing by 10% and heals by 10% during combat. The cooldown called Berserking increases casting and attack speed by 10 seconds (the more damage you take, the faster your speed). We recommend trolls for use with any class except tank warrior. Trolls make particularly good hunters because of their skill at using arrows.


►  WoW Classic Alliance Races


♦ Undead


Undead races that look like half-skeleton, half-dead can choose the mage, priest, rogue, warlock and warrior classes in WoW . It has Cannibalize (Cannibalism) in its racial characteristics. This ability allows them to gain 35% of their health by exploiting a corpse using channeled magic for 10 seconds. Apart from that, there is +10 shadow resistance, a feature called Underwater Breathing that allows 300% more effective use of breathing underwater, and Will of Forsaken. Will of Forsaken has undead cooldown and makes the character invincible against Charm, Fear, or Sleep spells for 5 seconds. This cooldown makes the character extremely powerful in PvP games. Apart from that, you can commonly see undeads as priests.

♦ Blood Elf


Blood elves descended from High Elves can appear as hunter, mage, paladin, priest, rogue and warlock. They can become an obvious choice in the Horde, as they are the only race that can be played as a paladin in the Horde. It has features such as Arcane Affinity, which increases their spell cast by 5, and Arcane Torrent, which can silence nearby enemies for 2 seconds. In addition, their resistance to magic increases by +5 and there are features such as Mana Tap, which reduces the mana of their targets by 50. Their resistance to magic always makes blood elves an attractive option.

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