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WoW Shadowlands 9.1.5 Early Patch Notes

WoW Shadowlands 9.1.5 Early Patch Notes
World of Warcraft Shadowlands new patch 9.1.5 will be released soon. The next patch will reorganize the Covenant system and Conduit energy and remove the game's AoE (Domain).

Despite having a shaky few months, Blizzard has revealed details about the 9.1.5 patch of World of Warcraft Shadowlands . We think that some mechanics will become unrecognizable in this update, which is focused on the in-game system. There will be fundamental changes to the Covenant system and Conduit Energy, while the game's AoE (Domain) limit will be completely removed. “We have shaped the patch based on feedback from our players,” the developer team said in a statement. We've received comments that the AoE limit prevents damage to enemies within range during combat. This also discourages legendary item farming,” he said . Let's take a look at some of the changes we will see in the new patch of WoW Shadowlands .

WoW: Shadowlands New Patch Notes Release Date

The new Shadowlands patch  is expected to be released in the coming days. It looks likethe final version of the patch, which will be available on the public test server, will be released in November .


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Shadowlands 9.1.5 Update

♦ Covenant and Conduit Energy 

One of the most requested changes in Shadowlands is being able to switch Covenant without having to go into the Covenant Renown mechanics . Fixing this mechanic, which disrupts the flow of the game, seems to relieve the game. According to the new update, players who have reached a high Renown threshold will be able to switch between any four Covenants they want. They will also be able to hold items belonging to another Covenant while being a Covenant member. Conduit Energy is one of the features that will be removed in the new WoW Shadowlands patch . Thus, Conduits can be exchanged among themselves without limitation.

♦ AoE (Domain) Limit Will Be Removed

AoE limit (Domain), one of the features included in the game for the first time in the WoW Shadowlands version, was also one of the features that players objected the most. This feature, which reduces the maximum number of targets to be affected by attacks made within the area of ​​​​effect, seems to be shelved quickly. In patch 9.1.5, attacks within AoE will now deal full damage to five targets and reduced damage to targets outside the area.

♦ Allied Breeds Regulation

In a statement, Blizzard announced that the new patch will bring unprecedented edits for the characters Nightborne, Lightforged Draenei or Void Elves. At the same time, the dungeon quest requirement for accessing Kul Tiran people, Mechagnomes, and Dark Iron Dwarves has also been removed. After the players accept the dungeon quest, all you have to do is talk to the NPC again and tick the “skip quest” option.

Shadowlands 9.1.5 patch notes: AoE Shield Abilities

  • Cooldowns lasting two minutes or longer will now reset at the end of raid interactions or before entering Mythic+ dungeon (from 3 minutes).

  • The following AoE abilities have been capped and will deal full damage to 5 targets in the area, and reduced damage to subsequent targets (they will be available on the later public test server of WoW Shadowlands )

​Death Knight


  • Sacrificial Pact
  • Abomination Limb
  • Reanimated Shambler

- blood

  • Consumption (Talent)
  • Bonestorm (Ability)

- frost

  • Frostscythe (Ability)

- Unholy

  • Bursting Sores (Talent)

Demon Hunter


- Havoc

  • Blade Dance
  • Fel Barrage (Ability)

- Vengeance

  • Soul Cleave
  • Spirit Bomb (Ability)



  • swipe

- Feral

  • Brutal Slash (Ability)



- Soulforge Embers

- Beast Mastery

  • Beast Cleave
  • Multi-Shot
  • Barrage (Ability)

- Marksmanship

  • Multi-Shot
  • Barrage (Ability)
  • Explosive Shot (Ability)

- Survival

  • carve
  • Butchery (Talent)



- Arcane

  • Arcane Echo (Ability)

- frost

  • Frozen Orb
  • Glacial Fragments



- Brewmaster

  • Rushing Jade Wind (Talent)

- Windwalker

  • Fists of Fury
  • Rushing Jade Wind (Talent)



- Retribution

  • Divine Storm



- Assassination

  • Fan of Knives
  • Crimson Tempest (Ability)

- Subtlety

  • Black Powder
  • Shuriken Storm
  • Secret Technique (Talent)



- Elemental

  • Storm Elemental's (Ability)
  • Eye of the Storm



- Demonology

  • Felguard's Felstorm



  • Whirlwind

- Arms

  • Bladestorm
  • Cleave (Ability)
  • Ravager (Ability)
  • Dreadnaught (Ability)

- Fury

  • Bladestorm

- Protection

  • Ravager (Ability)

We anticipate the release of World of Warcraft Shadowlands patch 9.1.5 in the coming days. Stay tuned for developments.

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