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WoW Shadowlands: Best Race/Class Combinations | Chapter 2

WoW Shadowlands: Best Race/Class Combinations | Chapter 2
There are many classes and races in World of Warcraft Shadowlands just like in other WoW games. In the second of our race/class guide, we hope you find characters that suit you.

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands , we can say that the racial characteristics of the characters and the abilities that the classes can do are intertwined. Playing your favorite races and classes is of course top priority to optimize your gaming experience. However, it would be in your favor to use some more strategic combinations to optimize your in-game success. Here are the best race and class combos you can make in World of Warcraft Shadowlands

♦ Warrior – Gnome


We can't think of anything better than being a hard-to-follow tank on the battlefield. Statistically , in WoW Shadowlands , Gnomes are not preferred as warriors. But Gnomes' racial traits, Escape Artist, can give them a huge advantage, especially in PvP matches. Gnomes' strong, heavy damage builds increase your enjoyment of the game and can be functional in critical situations.

♦ Monk – Pandaren


The Pandaren were first introduced to the world of WoW this year with the Mist of Pandaria add-on. However, it also brought Monks as a new class. In terms of the game's story, the Pandaren are a race that has learned to collect their "chi" and fight without additional tools. Their racial trait "Quaking Palm" is able to send opponents to sleep for 4 seconds.


►  Best Race/Class Combinations | Part 1


♦ Warlock – Troll


Combining trolls with the Warlock class is actually not very tactical. The darker theme of Warlocks may actually seem more appropriate with Undeads in terms of style. But the Trolls have shiny hair that can match this gothic theme too! In terms of the story of WoW Shadowlands, it is enough for the Trolls to use their blood to perform rituals. Also, the roots of Troll Warlocks go way back.

♦ Death Knight – Human


In a scenario where a noble and hardworking person strays a little, Death Knight is the perfect choice. Many Death Knights were valiant warriors and champions before they died. Then they were forced into the service of the Lich King in the WoW story. That's why Death Knights meet all the requirements, both in terms of story, magic and melee combat.

♦ Hunter – Night Elf


In terms of the World of Warcraft story, we can say that after Night Elves and Druids, Hunters are the most suitable race. Deeply attached to Nature and their god Elune, Hunters traits Beast Mastery, encouraging them to bond with many animals and accompany them on their journeys. Night Elves' racial traits, Shadowmeld, also make them temporarily invisible.

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