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WoW Shadowlands: Best Race/Class Combinations | Part 1

WoW Shadowlands: Best Race/Class Combinations | Part 1
There are many classes and races in World of Warcraft Shadowlands just like in other WoW games. Especially new players may need help to find the best ones among so many options.

In all MMORPG games, the choice of race and class is a critical choice for players in many ways. Important factors are that the character you will create appeals to you, reflects you and fits your playing style. The unique abilities of each race can only superficially increase the overall game experience of the players. Race or class choices alone are not enough to put one player ahead of others. Although we have prepared this guide for our players who want to play more tactically, it should not be forgotten that the most important thing is to have fun while playing! Here are the best race and class combos you can make in World of Warcraft Shadowlands

♦ Rogue – Blood Elf


Rogues are a class that can be especially useful on PvE servers. Shadowstep, Stealth, and Vanish features can allow you to quickly hide from your enemies and emerge out of nowhere. Obviously, Rogues are a fun class. Arcane Torrent, one of the racial traits of the Blood Elves, restores the player's 15 energy (mana for the rogue class) when used as a Rogue. We think this feature will be extremely useful for the player. As another racial trait, Blood Elves' Arcane Acuities can be equally useful. This feature also increases the chance of hitting critical damage by 1%.

♦ Druid – Worgen


The fact that Worgens can already shapeshift up to a point, combined with the Druid class, makes them one of the most enjoyable races to play. Besides the brown bear and cat shapes, there are also Werewolf forms. In addition, Druids have Travel shapes that change depending on where they are going, and Flight shapes that allow them to quickly escape from danger. Also, their racial trait Running Wild allows them to run from one end of the map to the other at 200% speed.


►  WoW: Shadowlands Elemental Shaman Guide


♦ Mage – Undead


Mages playing as the Undead is also a useful combination in WoW conditions. It is a fact that the undead and mage aesthetics are very compatible with each other. In terms of abilities, undeads have mana-healing abilities such as Cannibalize and Touch of The Grave, which absorbs energy from their opponents and inflicts shadow damage on them, healing the player. Also, infinite underwater breathing is an attractive skill.

♦ Shaman – Pandaren


Story-wise, the Pandaren's deep reverence for their ancestors makes them perfectly suited to the Shaman class. Also, the animations designed while using even the Pandaren's basic abilities like Lightning Bolt alone are enough to play the Shaman as Pandaren.

♦ Demon Hunter – Night Elf


Demon Hunter, one of the least played classes in World of Warcraft, achieves a really beautiful aesthetic when played as a Night Elf. Of their racial abilities, Shadowmeld offers the opportunity to evade spells directed at them, if they are not immediate or targeted. This ability can be especially useful in PvP games. You can also blend into the shadows if you don't move or withdraw the spell.

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