WWE 2K20 Showcase Mode Announced

WWE 2K20 Showcase Mode Announced
Details for all the features and fighters in the new Showcase mode are in the article.
This year's Showcase mode in WWE 2K20 is a little different. For the first time in the series, the focus will be on multiple wrestlers this year following the careers of Sasha Banks, Bayley, Becky Lynch and Charlotte. And now, individual matches for the mode have been released for October. This year's Showcase will kick off with the first NXT Takeover in 2014 as Charlotte Flair took Natalya for the NXT Women's Championship, as Ric Flair and Bret Hart respectively.

This means that, like The BFFs, we'll be missing out on a few key things before, and Becky will take on the role of an Irish jig in the ring. During the 15 matches in the Showcase mode, three of them will be from NXT Takeovers. Sasha Banks versus Bayley Brooklyn will be the pinnacle of excellence from the Four Horsewomen on NXT.

Honestly, 2K isn't getting much into NXT as some of the other wrestlers who have taken on Showcase topics, like Emma and BFF member Summer Rae, are no longer with the company.

Alongside the Showcase mode, fellow cover star Roman Reigns will have his career-specific Towers mode. 2K takes this year's edition in a new direction as well, introducing a new DLC pack featuring fictionalized versions of WWE superstars. The first pack, titled "Bump in the Night", will allow players to control Braun Strowman as Frankenstrowman and other wrestlers modeled after horror movie characters. WWE 2K20 is coming to PlayStation 4 , Xbox One , and PC on October 22, 2019 .

Click to buy WWE 2K20 now!

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