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Yeni LoL Şampiyonu "Renata Glasc" Yetenekleri ve Hikayesi

Yeni LoL Şampiyonu "Renata Glasc" Yetenekleri ve Hikayesi
Riot Games, League of Legends'ın yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc'ı tanıttı.

Riot Games introduced the new champion of League of Legends, Renata Glasc . A rather different figure, Renata will be added to the meta as the "Baroness of Chemistry", a powerful mastermind of the city of Zaun. He will use his empowered limbs and alchemical concoctions to heal his allies and stop his enemies.

Even though fans haven't played the champion yet, they fell in love with Renata's visual design and aesthetics so much that we've already seen a lot of fan art. Being a mature, broad-shouldered woman with gray hair, wrinkled and muscular, she sets her apart from all the other champions of the League.


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New LoL Champion Renata Glasc Abilities

"Whether you work for me or against me, it doesn't matter. Everyone ends up on my side."

Passive – Influence

  • Renata Glasc's basic attacks mark enemies and deal bonus damage. Consumes the damage mark inflicted by Renata's allies, dealing bonus damage.

Q - Handshake

  • Renata Glasc fires her robot arm, rooting the first enemy hit. Recasts the ability to knock the target in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies hit and stunning them if they're knocked down target champions.

W - Recovery Pack

  • Renata Glasc grants an ally or herself increased attack speed over time and movement speed while advancing towards enemies. If a teammate defeats an enemy champion, the buff duration is reset. If an ally is killed while the Rescue Bundle is active, he is fully healed but begins to burn again, depleting within 3 seconds. An ally can stop the burn by taking down a champion before they run out of health.

E - Advantage Program

  • Renata Glasc fires chemical rockets that shield allies she passes over, damage and slow enemies. Rockets also apply their effects around Renata when used, and around themselves when they explode at max range.

R - Illegal Takeover

  • Renata Glasc unleashes chemical clouds that cause enemies to go insane, gaining attack speed, and basic attack all nearby targets. Enemies under the effect of Insanity prioritize attacking their own teammates, neutral units, Renata Glasc's team, and finally, Renata Glasc.

Renata Glasc Life Story


Born into an alchemist family, Renata grew up in poverty. His parents, who were interested in the art of healing, were devoted to the community in Zaun, helping anyone in need of treatment, and did not withhold healing from the poor. Growing up with dreams of becoming rich one day, Renata persuaded her family to treat Zaun's wealthy as time went on. The Glasc family began developing a highly refined chemical with their money, but the formula came with side-effects such as making treated patients easily tempted or overly aggressive. This situation in Zaun had reached the ears of the elite living in Piltover; They told a few bouncers to take care of the situation. Renata woke up one day to the screams of her parents; Their houses were on fire, while they were in it.

Searching for power and control with some money left over from the fire, Renata discovered different areas of use with the chemical formula inherited from her family in a short time; She founded a community of young people who want to come to a place like her and help her family. Time passed, Renata doubled its profits and succeeded in establishing the first high-tech chemical product plant, Glasc Sanayicilik.

While some of the barons in Zaun were annoyed by this growth, Renata convinced them all to work with her. Thus, he became the Baron of Chemistry in Zaun. As Glasc Industrialism was growing, Renata waited for the right moment for her next move and the streets of Zaun were covered with a poisonous cloud due to a chemical accident. Glasc Sanayicilik started to distribute breathing masks and air filters free of charge to everyone in the city. In this way, Renata won the trust and loyalty of all the people of Zaun, so much so that her generosity extended to Piltover. Now everyone had the products of Glasc Sanayicilik on their counter; The rich were competing with each other to get together with Renata.

Renata's only wish was the Sun Gate, Piltover's financial powerhouse, which she had dreamed of since childhood. Because she knew that the Gate of the Sun was the key to the entire flow of trade. If he had that key, he could control the whole world. All of the Glasc products produced were from the formula of his family, along with their side effects. Now it's only a matter of time before everyone works for Renata.

When is the Chemistry Baroness "Renata Glasc" coming out?


Renata is coming to League of Legends with patch 12.4, meaning players will be able to truly check out her powerful abilities in about two weeks. Before, it will take place on PBE servers to be tested.

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TAGS: lol League of Legends yeni şampiyonu lol yeni şampiyon LoL yeni şampiyon ne zaman çıkıyor LoL yeni şampiyon 2022 LoL yeni şampiyon ne zaman çıkacak 2022 LoL yeni şampiyon ne zaman çıkacak LoL yeni şampiyon çıkış tarihi LoL yeni şampiyon çıkış tarihi 2022 LoL yeni şampiyon ne zaman çıkıyor? LoL yeni şampiyon Renata LoL yeni şampiyon Renata yetenekleri LoL yeni şampiyon Renata ne zaman çıkıyor LoL yeni şampiyon Renata fragmanı LoL yeni şampiyon Renata çıkış tarihi LoL yeni şampiyon Renata yetenek seti LoL yeni şampiyon Renata yetenek kiti League of Legends yeni şampiyonu çıkış tarihi League of Legends yeni şampiyonu ne zaman çıkıyor League of Legends yeni şampiyonu 2022 League of Legends yeni şampiyonu ne zaman League of Legends yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc League of Legends yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc yetenekleri League of Legends yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc yetenek seti League of Legends yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc ne zaman çıkıyor League of Legends yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc hikayesi League of Legends yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc fragmanı LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc çıkış tarihi LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc hikayesi LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc yaşam öyküsü LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc ne zaman LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc ne zaman çıkıyor LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc çıkış tarihi 2022 LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc yetenek seti LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc yetenekleri LoL yeni şampiyonu Renata Glasc yetenekler

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